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Install Airwallex Sales Order App

Easily sync your order data from Shopify to fulfil regulatory requirements, sync details like order ID and tracking information to Airwallex

Follow these steps to install the Airwallex sales order app to sync order data from your Shopify store to Airwallex


  1. You must have a valid and activated Airwallex account
  2. You must be processing your store transactions with at least one of Airwallex's Payment Apps

Installation and Configuration

  1. Login to your Airwallex webapp on
  2. Go to Account > Connections > Shopify > Sales Order App

Shopify Sales Order App Airwallex

  1. Click Connect to Shopify
  2. Type in your myshopify domain. If you are unsure what is your myshopify domain, you can access this from your Shopify Admin > Settings > Domains
  3. Click Connect

How to view order ID and tracking information

  1. Viewing order ID

You will now be able to view your Shopify Order ID in your Airwallex Webapp under the Order ID column. An example is shown below

Order ID Shopify AWX webapp

  1. Viewing tracking information

If you had updated any relevant tracking information on Shopify or any other integration, it will also now be populated to Airwallex. For compatible payment methods like Klarna, the tracking information will also be reflected to your customers. An example is shown below in the webapp view.

Shopify Meta Data Tracking information

On this page
  • Requirements
  • Installation and Configuration
  • How to view order ID and tracking information