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Automatic Currency Conversion

Improve checkout conversion by allowing your customers to pay in their local currency and preferred payment method

With Automatic Currency Conversion, Airwallex dynamically converts your pricing into the customer’s local currency across 180+ countries and 160+ payment methods. Airwallex handles all currency conversion seamlessly on your behalf, ensuring a smooth and localized checkout experience.

If you use Airwallex’s Hosted Payment Page, Payment Links, Shopify Apps, or Shopline Apps, you can enable Automatic Currency Conversion through the Airwallex web app under Payments settings.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to:

  • See localized pricing in their preferred currency
  • Pay using their preferred local payment method

What your customers will see

When your customers land on the Airwallex checkout page, Airwallex will use the location you specified during payment creation or infer it based on the customer’s location to display the price in their local currency, along with the available local payment methods by default. Your customers can choose to pay in their local currency or switch back to the original payment currency.

The displayed price remains fixed for 30 minutes as per the checkout session validity. The exchange rate used to convert pricing for customers includes a margin to guarantee the rate. Your customer's bank may charge additional fees and you may want to disclose this to your customers.

Pricing and settlement

There are no additional fees for merchants using Automatic Currency Conversion. Instead, customers pay a conversion fee. Airwallex sets the conversion fee charged to your customers during your onboarding process, which typically ranges between 2-4% applied on top of the exchange rate.

Airwallex settles you in the original payment currency (if it’s a configured settlement currency on your account). If the original currency is not a configured settlement currency, settlement occurs in your default settlement currency, with applicable conversion fees.

Supported regions and payments

Automatic Currency Conversion is available for businesses registered with Airwallex in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, UK, and Europe. All of Airwallex's supported settlement currencies can be used as part of this product.

Automatic Currency Conversion does not apply to:

  • Subscriptions
  • Payments using Multi-Currency Pricing
  • Manual capture payments
  • Payments for Platforms

Supported customer regions and currencies

We support the local currencies and payment methods for 20+ currencies and 40+ regions.


Merchant experience


Enable or disable this feature via the Settings tab in the Payments section of the web app .

ACC Settings Link

Disabling this feature will remove localized pricing and payment options for future checkout sessions. Changes take a few minutes to apply; any ongoing payment sessions will not be affected.

When using this feature, the payment intent currency and amount will get updated to what your customer selected. This will mean that the payment intent currency and amount will change from what you originally submitted and you will need to ensure that your integration or reporting can handle this change. You will be able to view the original currency and amount in the Payment Details section of the web app.

Refunds or chargebacks

Refunds and chargebacks are performed in the currency that the customer paid in. Automatic Currency Conversion does not guarantee the same exchange rate for refunds and chargebacks as was applied at the time of payment. Because the latest exchange rate is applied when issuing refunds and chargebacks, you may gain or lose revenue depending on how exchange rates have changed.


Ensure that your reports and other system integrations can handle the change to local currency in the payment intents.

In the web app, you can view the original currency and payment amount that you submitted on a transaction level and across a range of transactions when you export your payment activity .

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