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Payment acceptance rate

Payment acceptance rate

What is it and why is it important?

The payment acceptance rate is a measure of how many payment attempts are successfully accepted by payment providers, such as card issuers or local payment methods. It is often used to monitor the health of your payments and to compare how acquirers are performing relative to each other.

On Airwallex’s web app, you can find your payment acceptance rate summary on the Payments dashboard and a more detailed analysis on the Payment Analytics tab within the Payment Activity section.

By default, Airwallex displays a payment acceptance rate that is calculated at an order level for you to understand what percentage of orders have been successfully paid. To help you focus on understanding your acquirer performance, we also exclude risk engine blocks, authentication failures, and insufficient funds declines by default, but you could choose to include them in the analysis if you so prefer.

How is your payment acceptance rate calculated?

The payment acceptance rate is calculated as the number of payment attempts accepted by payment providers divided by the number of attempts submitted to payment providers. Some payment attempts are related to a single order, for example, your customer could retry a failed card payment with another card or local payment method multiple times. Airwallex removes these repeated attempts to calculate your acceptance at an order level by default.

Airwallex also excludes factors that occur before the submission to payment providers by default, such as invalid API calls, attempts blocked by risk engine, and authentication failures. In addition, Airwallex also excludes payments declined due to insufficient funds by default as those declines are not addressable by Airwallex.

Please consult the following example for how the acceptance rate is calculated by default:

Payment attempts via AirwallexCount
Total payment attempts100,000
Invalid API calls- 500
Blocked by risk engine- 1,000
Duplicate payment attempts- 5,000
Proceed for authentication= 93,500
Failed authentication- 1,000
Submitted to payment provider= 92,500
Declined by payment provider due to insufficient funds- 500
Submitted to payment provider, excluding declines due to insufficient funds= 92,000
Declined by payment provider due to reasons apart from insufficient funds- 5,000
Accepted payments= 87,000
Payment acceptance rate94.6% = (87,000/92,000)

How does Airwallex identify an order and remove duplicate attempts?

To identify duplicate attempts and group them into a single unique attempt for an order, Airwallex employs the following logic:

  • Attempts with the same (order id or invoice ID), or
  • Attempts with the same (customer ID or customer email or customer phone number or device ID or card fingerprint) and original payment currency and amount occurring close together in time

For example, the following are considered to be a single unique attempt each:

  • 3 attempts (2 failed and 1 succeeded) with the same order ID
  • 4 attempts (3 failed and 1 succeeded) with different order IDs but with the same customer email, original payment currency and amount occurring within 24 hours

How could you customise your payment acceptance analysis?

Should you wish to customise your analysis to include some of the factors excluded by default, you could uncheck filters under “Include in analysis” to get an unfiltered view of your acceptance rate.

The filters at the top of the Payment Analytics tab apply to all metrics, charts and tables in the report. Use the “Payment Method”, “Card Issuing Country” filters to analyse how acceptance rates might differ by payment method or card issuing country. Do note that the “Card Issuing Country” filter will only filter payments done via cards.

If no specific currency is selected in the “Payment Currency” filter, we sum up the volumes across all your payment currencies and convert them to your default settlement currency.

Do note that the charts are displayed according to the timezone based on the location you have signed up in.

What could you do to improve payment acceptance?

To improve your payment acceptance, you should consider the following:

  • Enable the most popular local payment methods for your customers’ locations. Cards are often not the predominant payment method in many countries and you could be losing out on sales if your customers are not able to pay in payment methods that they are used to. To enable more payment methods, navigate to the Payment Methods tab within the Payments section and apply for more payment methods
  • Display prices in your customers’ local currencies. To offer local payment methods to your customers, you would typically need to submit payments in a limited set of currencies that are supported by the payment method. For merchants on hosted payment pages, payment links and Shopify, Airwallex could help you convert your prices to customers’ local currencies upon checkout via the Automatic Currency Conversion feature so that you can offer local payment methods
  • Provide one-click checkout payment methods, such as ApplePay and GooglePay. You can expect an increase in your payment acceptance rate by offering one-click checkout options to your card users as it would save them the hassle of having to enter their card details to complete the payment and reduce the likelihood of them failing to complete the payment. To enable them, navigate to the Payment Methods tab within the Payments section and apply for ApplePay and GooglePay there
  • Tailor your checkout experience. If you have built your own checkout experience, you should analyse the decline reasons and identify areas of opportunity where you could guide your users to reduce declines. For example, if you see significant volumes of incorrect card number failures, you could ensure that customers enter only card numbers validated by the Luhn algorithm for schemes that support it and conform to scheme guidelines on number length and combinations