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Enable Credit Cards with Apple Pay & Google Pay

Accept card payments from your global shoppers through Apple Pay, Google Pay express checkout, and via cards (e.g Visa, Mastercard) directly on your store - no payment redirect needed

Follow these steps to configure your plugin to accept card payments, Apple Pay and Google Pay (Express Checkout) directly on your Magento store.


  1. You must have a valid and activated Airwallex account
  2. At least one card scheme (Visa, Mastercard etc) must be enabled and activated as a payment method in Airwallex (Please ensure you do this before proceeding)
  3. Activate all the card schemes you wish to offer from your Airwallex account

Credit Card Setup

Credit Card setup

Magento card configuration

  1. Select Yes under Enable Credit Card
  2. Enter a Title (required) and Description (optional) seen by the shopper during checkout.
  3. The Title is shown at the payment method option on the Checkout Page and also within the Order showing how the shopper paid (e.g. “Credit Card” as shown in the screenshot below). You can see this under Shopper Experience below.
  4. Select a Payment Action of an order when the payment associated with the order is to be captured. Select Authorize only if you wish to manually capture the payment.
  5. Save Config to complete the configuration.

Save Cards Functionality

Saved/Stored Card Functionality provides merchants and shoppers with the convenience stored credit cards for future purchases, along with the security of TLS encryption

How to enable saved cards functionality

Enabling the saved card functionality requires only one step

From Magento Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Airwallex > Configure > Credit Card

Ensure Allow shoppers to save cards is selected as "Yes"

Magento Credit Card Setting

Shopper Experience

Checkout Experience

  1. Saving Cards

Shoppers will be able to save their cards when they check out simply by ticking the "Save for future use" box

Magento Enter New Card

  1. Checking out with previously saved cards

Shoppers will be able to see their previously saved cards both above the section where they can input their cards and before selecting a new payment method

Magento Checkout with Saved Cards

Managing Saved Cards

  1. Deleting Cards

Shoppers will be able to view and delete their previously saved cards securely from My Account > Stored Payment Methods

Magento Managing Saved Cards

Shopper Experience

The shopper can follow the steps below to make a payment with a credit card:

  1. Enter credit card details for their chosen Credit Card payment method, and click Complete order or Place order to proceed. Magento - Card element
  2. When 3DS is used, the shopper will see a pop-up window to complete OTP verification. This may differ depending on the card they use
  3. Shoppers can select the option Save card for future purchases to save their card
  4. The shopper completes payment successfully and will be redirected to the success page.


Enable demo under Airwallex > Basic Settings > Mode if you want to mock successful and failed transactions before going live. You can use the following card numbrs when mocking card transactions.

Use the following card numbers for each card scheme to simulate a successful transaction

Card SchemeCard Number
American Express378282246310005

Use the following card numbers to simulate a failed transaction

Error ReasonCard Number
Card Declined4000000000000002
Incorrect Card Number4242424242424241
On this page
  • Requirements
  • Credit Card Setup
  • Save Cards Functionality
  • Shopper Experience
  • Testing