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Install the Magento plugin


You can download the plugin from the official Magento marketplace or delivered by the Airwallex Merchant enablement team.

Older versions are available here

Install using Composer

Before you begin, make sure that you have installed Composer. In your command-line tool, go to the Magento folder and run the following commands:

Install manually

The Composer requirements still apply for manual installation.

  1. Unzip and move contents to app/code.
  2. In the Magento root directory, run two commands:

    composer require mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib

    composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^7.0

Upgrade to the latest version

Follow the steps below to upgrade your plugin to the latest version

Configure API Key and Webhooks

  1. Log in to your Magento admin panel.
  2. In the left navigation bar, go to Stores > Configuration. In the menu, go to Sales > Payment Methods.
  3. Click Configure in Airwallex section of Recommended solutions. on your Magent site. Click Airwallex API Setting within the Plugin you need to configure.
  4. Enter your Client ID, API Key and Webhook Secret Key obtained from your Airwallex account (please see where and how to obtain the credentials in the next section).
  5. Choose the Mode > Demo if you wish to test before going live. If unselected, you will begin accepting payments with Airwallex immediately. Enter all details again for Demo mode. The new details will not remove the previously entered detail for Prod mode.
  6. Select the Yes checkbox, if you wish to save logs for debugging purposes, and Save Config to proceed.

Magento Basic Settings

Retrieve API Keys and Webhooks

In order to utilize Airwallex APIs API within the Plugin and let us take care of payment from your shoppers easily, you will need to get Airwallex’s API credentials as well as Webhook Secret Key from your Airwallex account.

Webhooks are used by Airwallex to communicate with your site. It provides information such as the status of the payment, and updates the order based on events associated with the payment.

To obtain the required credentials and assuming you have created your Airwallex account, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Account > Developer section on your Airwallex web app.
  1. You can see and copy the required API credentials from the Developer Keys section “Client API key” API key
  2. Below the Developer keys section, you can see and copy the required Webhook Secret Key from the Webhook section. This will later be copied into the required fields within the Airwallex plugin. To access the Webhook Secret Key, you will first need to click the reveal button and then enter your Airwallex account password to be able to copy and paste. Webhook key Webhook key reveal
On this page
  • Installation
  • Configure API Key and Webhooks