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Multi-currency pricing

Multi-currency Pricing - MCP

The Airwallex MCP functionality leverages our FX capability in order to provide you the ability to price your goods and services in the most suitable currency for your customers whilst you receive your transaction settlement in the currency of your choice.

In order to leverage this functionality you need to retrieve a quote from our system (with the appropriate time validity), leverage it to display the prices in the currency your customers prefer and indicate to Airwallex that you want to use MCP for that transaction. After the transaction has settled you will receive the funds in the currency of your choice.

The below diagram provides you an overview of the whole process:

Illustration-how MCP works

Integrating with MCP

Follow the below steps in order to integrate with Airwallex MCP solution:

  1. Retrieve the most up-to-date quote from our system in order to generate the prices in your currencies of choice. For instance, if you want to price in PHP and receive USD as your main currency, you can retrieve the currency pair USDPHP by using the Quote API:

You can then receive the rate with the validity that you wish to lock it for. Currently we offer three options: 0 to 24h, 24 to 48h and 48 to 72h; the longer you lock the price, the longer the FX risk Airwallex will need to cover for. The below response shows a rate that a client retrieved with 24 to 48h validities.

  1. Leverage the collected rate to update the prices you display to your consumers. For example, imagine you are selling a pair of shoes in the Philippines which contains cost of 15USD. As you do not want to lose money, when you know that the USDPHP rate for tomorrow's transaction is 56.18, you can then price the shoes to be more than 842.7PHP (15*56.18)

  2. Process Payments with the normal flow.

  3. Upon settlement of the payment, you will receive the funds of the payment in your preferred currency with the exact gross amount calculated from the rate that you retrieved days ago. In the above example, if you finally decided to price the shoes with 900PHP and a shopper successfully made the purchase on 2022/06/11 at 15:00 by using his Visa credit card, then on 2022/06/14 (assuming a T+3 funds settlement cycle), you will receive 15.56USD (900PHP divided by 56.18 FX rate and netted off 2.9% payment method fee)


If you create a refund of this 06/11 payment on 07/25, then we will process the refund with the effective rate applied for 07/25 transactions, we will not retrieve back the original FX rate for the captured payment.


We recommend you yield your prices in a way that is appropriate for your business; continuous updates may create discomfort on your consumers.