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Batch transfer error codes

This page describes the latest error response structure and error codes.

For error response structures before API version 2024-09-27, please see Batch transfer error codes (older versions).

Batch transfer errors

All possible batch-level errors while creating/managing batch transfers via Batch Transfer API endpoints API are listed in this section. Like the example below, the response you receive will contain:

  • code: A semantic code specifying the error encountered;
  • source: This indicates the procedure where the error is encountered, e.g. transfer or conversion; or the specific parameter with error, e.g. request_id;
  • message: A brief statement that explains the code. For detailed handling instructions of each error, please see the decription in tables below;
  • details: An object containing further details where applicable for you to handle.

Depending on the error code, the details object contains different prasable information. For a batch-level error, it will contain the relevant request parameter(s) and their value if applicable. See the example below.


Create a batch transfer

Error codes, detailed descriptions, and parameters for Create a batch transfer API.

batch_request_id_duplicateThe request ID has been used to a batch before which was created successfully. Please use a different request ID if you wish to create a separate batch transfer.-
transfer_date_invalidThe transfer date specified is not valid. You can only specify a transfer date when using Wallet as the funding source.-
metadata_above_size_limitThe number of metadata keys should be smaller than 15, and the total number of metadata characters should be smaller than 4500.-
invalid_deposit_typeThe deposit type specified is not valid. Please specify either DIRECT_DEBIT or FASTER_DIRECT_DEBIT.-
invalid_funding_sourceThe funding source you provided is not valid. Please check your funding source status by Retrieving details of your Linked Account.-
service_unavailableService is unavailable at this moment. Please try again later.-
invalid_argumentThe argument you provided is not valid. Please update and try again.-

Add items to a batch

Error codes, detailed descriptions, and parameters for Add items to a batch API.

transfer_amount_currency_unsupportedYou can either specify the source amount or the transfer amount for all items in the batch.-
request_id_in_batch_duplicateThe request ID has been used for another item in the batch. Please use a unique request ID for each batch item.-
add_batch_item_unsupportedItems cannot be added to the batch transfer in its current status. You can only add items to batch transfer in DRAFTING status. See Batch transfer statuses to learn more.-
too_many_items_per_requestThe item count exceeds the maximum limit per request. You should add up to 100 batch items at a time.-
payout_size_too_largeTThe total item count exceeds the maximum limit for a batch. You can only add up to 1,000 items for a batch transfer.-
multiple_source_currencies_unsupportedWhen Linked Account is used as the funding source, the batch transfer only supports one source currency for all items in the batch.-
service_unavailableService is unavailable at this moment. Please try again later.-
invalid_argumentThe argument you provided is not valid. Please update and try again.-

Quote a batch transfer

Error codes, detailed descriptions, and parameters for Quote a batch transfer API.

quote_unsupportedThe batch transfer in its current status cannot be quoted. You can only quote a batch in DRAFTING status. See Batch transfer statuses to learn more.-
service_unavailableService is unavailable at this moment. Please try again later.-
invalid_argumentThe argument you provided is not valid. Please update and try again.-

Submit a batch transfer

Error codes, detailed descriptions, and parameters for Submit a batch transfer API.

submit_unsupportedThe batch transfer in its current status cannot be submitted. You can only submit a batch in the DRAFTING status. See Batch transfer statuses to learn more.-
quote_expiredThe quote for this batch transfer has expired. Please call Quote a batch transfer API and submit again.-
balance_insufficientThere is insufficient Wallet balance to fund this batch transfer. Top up your Wallet balance or provide a lower amount.-
order_amount_insufficientOrders for your China local transfer is insufficient. Valid orders equivalent to the transfer amount is required per local regulations. Learn more about uploading orders by connecting to marketplaces via token authorization here or calling Upload order items API.-
open_position_limit_exceededThe batch transfer amount exceeds the remaining open position limit under the post fund model. Provide a lower amount or top up your Wallet balance. See here to learn more about funding models.-
amount_beneficiary_receives_above_cumulative_limitThe amount beneficiary receives (transfer amount less fees paid by beneficiary) is above the maximum cumulative limit as defined in the params object. Provide a lower amount (for Malaysian customers only).amount_bene_receives: transfer amount less fees paid by beneficiary (if applicable);
daily_amount_max: the maximum daily cumulative limit for the amount beneficiary receives;
daily_amount_max_currency: currency of the maximum daily cumulative amount limit
service_unavailableService is unavailable at this moment. Please try again later.-
invalid_argumentThe argument you provided is not valid. Please update and try again.-

Delete a batch transfer

Error codes, detailed descriptions, and parameters for Delete a batch transfer API.

delete_unsupportedThe batch transfer in its current status cannot be deleted. You can only delete a batch in the DRAFTING status. See Batch transfer statuses to learn more.-
service_unavailableService is unavailable at this moment. Please try again later.-
invalid_argumentThe argument you provided is not valid. Please update and try again.-

Batch transfer item errors

All possible batch item-level errors while adding items or booking a batch are listed below.

Validation errors for a batch item

If a batch item fails the schema validation, the batch item status will transition to VALIDATION_FAILED. Like the example below, the response contains an errors object with:

  • source: The specific field within the request that has failed schema validation.
  • code: Unique numeric identifier of the specific validation error encountered.
  • params: Additional parsable information relating to the specific validation error where applicable, e.g. minimum and maximum character length.

You may find all item validation errors in Field validation errors for payouts.

Booking errors for a batch item

If a batch item fails to be booked, the batch item status will transition to BOOKING_FAILED. An error response example is shown below.


All possible item-level booking error codes are listed below.

order_amount_insufficientOrders for your China local transfer is insufficient. Valid orders equivalent to the transfer amount is required per local regulations. Learn more about uploading orders by connecting to marketplaces via token authorization here or calling Upload order items API.-
balance_insufficientThere is insufficient Wallet balance to fund this batch transfer. Top up your Wallet balance or provide a lower amount.-
request_id_already_usedThe request ID has been used. Please use a unique request ID for each batch item.-
open_position_limit_exceededThe batch transfer amount exceeds the remaining open position limit under the post fund model. Provide a lower amount or top up your Wallet balance. See here to learn more about funding models.-
amount_beneficiary_receives_above_cumulative_limitThe amount beneficiary receives (transfer amount less fees paid by beneficiary) is above the maximum cumulative limit as defined in the params object. Provide a lower amount (for Malaysian customers only).-
order_reconciliation_failedOrders for your China local transfer have not settled. Valid orders equivalent to the transfer amount is required per local regulations. Please try again later.-
service_unavailableService is unavailable at this moment. Please try again later.-

Direct debit deposit errors (async)

If the batch transfer is funded via direct debit from Linked Account, the funds will generally take 2-11 business days to settle (Learn more about direct debit flight time here). If the deposit is rejected as it failed validation by either Airwallex or the banking scheme, the funding status will transition to FAILED and the funds will be returned to your external bank account. Please note that this type of error is asynchronous.

Like the example below, the funding object could contain a failure_reason for direct debit deposit errors.

On this page
  • Batch transfer errors
  • Batch transfer item errors
  • Direct debit deposit errors (async)