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Quickstart with Postman

This tutorial helps you get started with Airwallex APIs using Postman, a widely-used API development tool. To help you get started with your integration and test APIs across all products, Airwallex provides a Postman collection.

Step 1: Generate Client ID and API key

After signing up for an Airwallex account, contact your Airwallex Account Manager to request access to the demo environment. Upon successful setup, you will receive demo API credentials from Airwallex.

You will need the API credentials (Client ID and API key) to request an authentication token from Airwallex, which will allow you to access Airwallex APIs. For information on generating API credentials including restricted keys, see Manage API keys.

Step 2: Fork Airwallex Postman collection

Our public Airwallex Postman collection allows you to try out Airwallex APIs with no coding experience.

Fork the latest Airwallex Postman collection into your private Postman workspace. You will need to log into your Postman account. If you don't have an account you can sign-up for one or SSO through your Google account.

Step 3: Set up Postman collection variables

Click the forked Postman Collection in the left navigation bar, i.e., Airwallex Public API v<API version> folder, for example, Airwallex Public API v2024-06-30 and then click the Variables tab on the right-hand side. Copy the following inputs into the corresponding Initial value and Current value fields and click the "Save" button on the top right.

Demo environment:

  • clientId: Your unique client ID from the demo environment.
  • apiKey: Your API key from the demo environment.
  • url:
  • file_url:

Production environment:

  • clientId: Your unique client ID from the production environment.
  • apiKey: Your API key from the production environment.
  • url:
  • file_url:

Airwallex Postman collection variables

Alternatively, you can specify the url and the HTTP headers directly in your API request as x-client-id and x-api-key.

Step 4: Authenticate to Airwallex

In the Airwallex Postman collection, go to Authentication > API Access > Obtain access token endpoint to make an authentication request to Airwallex. Click the Send button to obtain an authentication token in the response.

Obtain access token

Congrats, you've made your first Airwallex API call! 🎉

This access token will remain valid for 30 minutes and can be included in the HTTP header Authorization: Bearer [token] multiple times to call other Airwallex endpoints until it expires. It's recommended to rely on expires_at for the accurate token expiration time. This API enforces a rate limit of 100 requests per minute. If the number of requests exceeds this limit, the API will respond with an error code 429.

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