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Get started

To get started, you will need the following:

  1. Client ID and Client Secret: Credentials to identify your application.
  2. Scope: Level of access your application has.
  3. Redirect URI: URI your application takes users to after authorisation.

Request authentication credentials

Contact our strategic partnerships team ([email protected]) to request a client ID and client secret.

Once you have obtained credentials from Airwallex, you can commence the integration process. However, before your application becomes operational, you should create a listing on the Connections tab in Airwallex Webapp. This listing should encompass key details such as your business category, a concise business description, contact email address, application logo, and other relevant information.

Determine scopes and permissions

Each partner Application will be limited to pre-authorized Scopes. These scopes will be displayed to the user and describe what data your Application will be able to read and update. Our Scopes group our client APIs into business actions that represent common use cases, such as viewing account details, balance history, or making payouts. To see all of the Scopes available, click Scopes API. Our OAuth scopes follow the naming convention <rw_prefix>:awx_action:<resource>_<action> where r stands for read-only scope and w stands for scopes involving a write action. Resource refers to the core resource (e.g., balances, global_accounts) associated with this scope and action refers to the operation permitted (e.g., view, edit).

On this page
  • Request authentication credentials
  • Determine scopes and permissions