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Airwallex Open Banking overviewAPI integration summary

Airwallex's REST API Integration Summary

The complete API documentation is located here


"Account Information Service" is an online service to provide consolidated information (balance, transaction history) on one or more payment accounts held by a PSU. TPPs can access customer account data only if the customer (PSU) explicitly gives consent (grants permission) to let Airwallex allow such access.

Key steps:

  • Make an Access Token Request
  • Access the user's account information by making a GET request to the /accounts endpoint
  • Make a GET request to the /accounts/{account_id}/balance endpoint in order to access the user's account balance information
  • Make a GET request to the /accounts/{account_id}/transactions endpoint in order to access the user's account transaction history

The diagram below illustrates the AIS general communication flow.

AIS communication flow


A “Payment Initiation Service” is an online service to issue payment instruments and initiate online payments to beneficiaries directly from the payer’s payment account. Before accessing an account, a PISP must receive formal approval and consent from the PSU. A connection to Airwallex is then required to access and debit the payment account through a payment instruction given by the PISP. Airwallex API currently supports single immediate payment.

Key steps:

  • Whitelisting Beneficiary Accounts (add transfer destinations to the dashboard)
  • Make a call for POSTing /token-requests with a requestPayload (after PSU gives consent to initiate PIS on the PSU's behalf)
  • Create the redirect URL by appending the request id in the response and send it to the user to provide explicit consent to
  • Upon user consent, Airwallex will redirect the user back to the TPP with a tokenId
  • A transferId and transferStatus will be received in a callback, which you can then display to the customer/user

The diagram below illustrates the communication flow for a single immediate payment.

PIS communication flow

Confirmation of Availability Funds (CAF)

"Card-Based Payment Instrument" service allows TPPs to initiate payments from a payment account held with another payment service provider. A CAF request is made by the CBPII to confirm that necessary funds are currently available in a PSU's bank account. To initiate such a request, the CBPII must have the PSU's consent and specify a valid consentId included in the request payload.

Key steps:

  • Making an Access Token Request
  • Create the redirect URL by appending the request id in the response and send it to the user to provide explicit consent to
  • Upon user consent, Airwallex will redirect the user back to the TPP with a tokenId
  • Using the tokenId, initiate funds confirmation with a PUT /accounts/{account_id}/funds-confirmation call to the redirect URL
  • The response will be boolean-affirmative or empty (not available)

The diagram below illustrates the communication flow for the Confirmation of Availability Funds.

CAF communication flow