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Connected Account Console (Beta)

As a platform, you can use Airwallex Connected Account Console to manage your connected accounts. Contact your Airwallex Account Manager to access the Connected Account Console.

Get started

To use Connected Account Console, an Admin or Owner will need to assign relevant team members with the Platform Analyst role. This role is for users who need to view and manage connected accounts.

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View accounts

The Connected Accounts list page provides multiple ways to view your connected accounts. All accounts are displayed on this page, and you can filter by account status or other attributes. To find a specific connected account, you can search by name or other criteria.

You can also customize the columns displayed by clicking the Settings button.

You can download a CSV list of accounts (a maximum of 10,000 records at a time) by clicking the Export button.

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Account status badges

Status badges provide a quick way to understand the overall status of an account. Account status badges include:

StatusMeaningNext step
PendingThe account has been created, but not yet activated.Check ‘Status Detail’ for more information and required actions.
ActiveThe account is in good standing, though additional information might be required during ongoing KYC review.Check ‘Status Detail’ to see if additional information is required, otherwise no action is needed.
FrozenThe account is temporarily frozen due to risk or other reasons. Frozen accounts cannot transact.Contact Airwallex if you believe it is frozen mistakenly.
DormantThe account has no transaction activity for a long period of time. Subsequent transactions from this account will undergo risk review.Contact the customer to understand more.
ClosedThe account is closed by your request, or by Airwallex.No action needed.
RejectedThe account was unable to be onboarded by Airwallex.Contact Airwallex to learn more about the case.

Account status details

Status details provide more information on the account onboarding (Know Your Customer, “KYC”) progress and help you identify accounts that require additional information.

Status DetailMeaningNext step
Awaiting KYC submissionKYC information has not been submitted to Airwallex.Follow up with the connected account to submit KYC information to Airwallex.
Request for informationAirwallex needs more information to proceed.Provide required information by clicking the status detail link in Platform Dashboard, or via API.
Submission in reviewApplication has been submitted and is under review by Airwallex.Wait for Airwallex response. Updates will be provided in the RFI detail page.
Awaiting terms agreementThe account has not agreed to the Airwallex terms and conditions.Provide the agreement to Airwallex via API or the embedded KYC component.
Awaiting permission confirmationPermission approval from the connected account is required for account activation.Ask the connected account to accept the permission request in Airwallex webapp login consent page (for PBA customers) or via embedded KYC component

Handle additional information requests for KYC

Handle KYC RFI

After you submit your connected account for activation, Airwallex might request additional information (RFI) to successfully complete the account activation.

Airwallex provides multiple options to handle additional information requests for KYC. If you already have the required information, we recommend that you manage KYC RFIs in the Connected Account Console.

KYC RFI handling through Connected Account Console is only applicable to business accounts. For individual accounts, you can use other options to manage KYC RFIs.

Find accounts with KYC Request For Information (RFI)

When Airwallex requests additional information for a connected account, an email will be sent to the email addresses provided by you (the platform). You can click the button in the email to view request items and provide additional information in Airwallex Connected Account Console. Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 10.40.05 (2) copy

The Connected Account Console helps you monitor the status of your accounts proactively. You can click ‘Needs attention - Request for information’ in the Connected Accounts overview page to quickly filter for accounts requiring additional information.

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Respond to KYC RFI on behalf of connected accounts

If you already have the additional information needed by Airwallex, you can submit the information on behalf of your connected account in the Connected Account Console.

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Track KYC RFI progress of connected accounts

You can check the RFI status using the RFI detail page. The request and response activity thread helps you to understand what has been provided to Airwallex and the review result by Airwallex.

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On this page
  • Get started
  • View accounts
  • Handle additional information requests for KYC