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Manage Global Accounts

You can perform the following operations on Global Accounts once you create them.

Update your Global Account

After creating a Global Account, you can update the nick_name, deposit_conversion_currency and/or alternate_account_identifiers (Refer to Global Accounts). Other account details cannot be changed.

To update these details, call Update existing Global Account API by specifying the Global Account ID.


If you are registered as a platform, you can call this endpoint on behalf of your connected accounts by specifying the open ID in the x-on-behalf-of header.

Supported email format under alternate_account_identifiers

Airwallex supports the use of personal/corporate email addresses to register for Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit with Canada CAD Global Accounts. Any Airwallex domain email address is not permitted. If no email is included in the API request, an Airwallex email in the format etransfer.{Global Account number} will be used.

For further considerations related to Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit, please refer to this help article .

Retrieve Global Account transactions

You can obtain transaction details of funds received through your Global Account via bank transfers, and funds paid out via direct debit using Generate Global Account transactions API. The transactions retrieved are specific to the given Global Account, which could be useful for reconciliation purposes.

In your request, in addition to the mandatory Global Account id, you can specify the start date (from_created_at) and end date (to_created_at), and pagination settings (page_num, page_size) for the transaction report.

Example request


If you are registered as a platform, you can call this endpoint on behalf of your connected accounts by specifying the open ID in the x-on-behalf-of header.

Example response


Generate account statements

As a Global Account holder, you may need to generate account statements as proof of account ownership to submit to a vendor, supplier, or auditor. This statement serves as a confirmation that you, as the Global Account holder, are a registered user of Airwallex payment services and have registered to receive payments via a specific Global Account.

Call Generate global account statement API by specifying the unique Global Account ID in the URL. Provide the following parameters in the request:

  • account_statement_type: You can generate two types of account statements:
    • GENERAL: Account statement for your Global Account in a specific currency and location.
    • AMAZON: Account statement specific to your seller account on Amazon marketplace. For this account statement, you must also provide registration_info and the registration_info.agreement field must be set to true.

A successful request will return the account statement as a PDF file.

Example request


If you are registered as a platform, you can call this endpoint on behalf of your connected accounts by specifying the open ID in the x-on-behalf-of header.

Close your Global Account

You can close a Global Account instantly using Close Global Account API by specifying the unique Global Account ID in the URL.

Once the Global Account is closed, it can no longer receive bank transfers or authorize direct debit payouts. Your incoming bank transfers may be rejected by the Global Account banking partner and returned to the sender’s account automatically, or the sender may receive a separate payout as a deposit return from Airwallex. Additionally, the amount returned may be less than the original amount, as the process may incur a transaction fee. If you have authorized direct debit payouts using this Global Account, your incoming direct debit payouts will be immediately rejected and no funds will be debited from your Wallet.

If the Global Account is closed successfully, the status CLOSED will be returned. If the Global Account specified in your request cannot be closed, the request will return a 400 error with the code invalid_argument and one of the following error messages.

Global Account ID does not existThe Global Account ID specified does not exist. Please try again with a valid ID.
Default Global Account cannot be closedYou cannot close the first Global Account opened under your Airwallex account.
Close unsupportedThe Global Account in the current status cannot be closed. You can only close a Global Account in ACTIVE status.

If you change your mind, it may be possible to reopen a closed Global Account depending on the time it was closed. Please contact your Airwallex Account Manager or Customer Support team to learn more.

Example request


If you are registered as a platform, you can call this endpoint on behalf of your connected accounts by specifying the open ID in the x-on-behalf-of header.

Example response

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