Terms & Policies
Sign Up Terms
Airwallex is an all-in-one payment platform for modern businesses. We are so happy that you have decided to sign up for an account with us.
Before you can start transacting, we will need to determine which of our offices is best placed to help your business grow.
As part of the onboarding process, we will ask you to provide us with certain information about your company so we can make this decision. For example, if your business is located in Australia, we will suggest that you be onboarded to our Australian entity.
Once we have determined which office you will be onboarded to, the jurisdiction-specific terms and conditions which apply to that office will govern the relationship between us. We may ask you to ‘accept’ those terms and conditions again, as we are required to ensure you are familiar with the local laws and regulations.
We will do everything we can to make sure your onboarding journey is a smooth and efficient one. If you decide to close your account without completing the onboarding process or for some reason we are not able to onboard you, we will remove your account and all information you have provided to us from our systems (unless we are required otherwise by applicable laws or regulations).
If at any time you have a question for us, you may contact us at support@airwallex.com.
We look forward to working with you and re-imagining payments together.