Virtual Visa Debit Cards for your business
Pay securely online and on the go. Spend globally in multiple currencies with zero transaction fees.
Borderless virtual Visa cards created in a tap
Empower your team
Create new cards for employees and expense channels in seconds, all within the app.
0% transaction fees
We won’t charge you to use your cards at home or abroad.
Bank-beating FX rate
Minimise FX fees on SaaS subscriptions and other international expenses.
Multi-currency card spending online and on the go
Save on global expenses
Spend with your multi-currency balance and avoid unnecessary conversion fees.
Track spending in real-time
See how budgets are being spent, where and by whom in the app.
Manage your cards online
Create, freeze or cancel employee cards in minutes to protect your business funds.
Expense management made easy
Cut down office admin
Easily upload receipts for approval, reconcile expenses in one place and get a real-time overview of your spending.
Manage seamless approval workflows
Submit, review, and approve expenses with a click, putting your expense management workflows on autopilot.
Sync with Xero for hassle-free bookkeeping
Seamless Xero integration makes multi-currency bookkeeping a breeze.
Secure, safe and transparent
You’re in control
Set spending limits at a card level, freeze cards instantly and adjust limits with a tap.
Fully protected
Spend safely online without the risk of card fraud or theft.
Accepted worldwide
Pay with your cards anywhere Visa is accepted.

「Airwallex 改變了我們對銀行業務的需求。作為一家正蓬勃發展的初創企業,我們需要一個有擴展性、同時具成本效益的批量支付解決方案來支付我們香港境內外的員工和供應商。Airwallex 以接近零的交易費用和領先市場的外匯匯率,幫助我們在每筆銀行轉賬中節省金錢。我們亦有使用 Airwallex 的多幣 Visa 卡,支付出差費用及 SaaS 訂閱開支,以避免極難發現的隱藏銀行費用。我們強烈推薦初創開始使用 Airwallex。」

Henson Tsai
SleekFlow 創辦人

「從外國進口頂級葡萄酒及清酒,一般都涉及額外交易費及外匯費用。我們透過 Airwallex 成功節省了 100% 跨境匯款費用,因此能以最優惠價格吸引顧客。」

Tomy Wu
MyiCellar 共同創辦人

「Airwallex 是一個創新金融科技平台,擁有頂尖的客戶支援團隊。他們將申請公司卡及管理企業帳戶費時失事的過程簡化,帶來簡單、方便及具成本效益的體驗。我輕鬆於短時間內上手,其安全功能更是超乎想像。Airwallex 為我的團隊節省大量行政時間,令一切工作從此變得簡單。」

Gavin Black
PURE Group 臨時首席執行官及首席財務官

「在香港很難找到支持中小企的金融服務供應商,我十分感恩能遇上 Airwellex。相比傳統銀行,Airwellex 讓我以市場領先的匯率兌換貨幣。Airwellex 的網上介面亦非常現代化及清晰易用。 感謝 Airwallex 替我們節省了很多不必要的銀行及海外轉賬開支。在短短幾個月,我們已透過 Airwellex 節省了超過 $78,000 港幣的費用!」

Jennifer Chong
Linjer 行政總裁

「Airwallex 為我們提供靈活、更能節省成本的國際資金流動方案。我們目前正利用 Airwallex 向國際供應商付款,與傳統銀行相比,Airwallex 能節省高達 90% 的交易費用和外匯差額 — 全歸功於他們具競爭力的匯率和低交易成本。」

Kelvin Kan
Homemakase 創辦人

「Airwallex 對我們的團隊來說非常有幫助。相比起我們之前透過匯豐銀行進行交易時,Airwallex 的網上平台簡單易用,非常直接,令支付和轉帳變得更容易,為我們節省大量時間。最重要的是,我們可以透過用 Airwallex 轉帳節省成本。在短時間內,我們已經節省了數千美元。除此之外,Airwallex 的支援團隊亦十分有效率,面對任何問題都能及時提供解決辦法。」
Sarah Chang
Forkast.News 聯合創辦人及營運總監

「Airwallex 公司卡分為實體及虛擬版本,可配合不同同事的需要。當中,虛擬公司卡只需 1 分鐘,即可完成開立。它的功能令我們可更易管理員工的支出,亦大大減少了審批時間。」

Justin Chu
K Dollar 獎賞計劃 總經理

「透過 Airwallex,我們可以迅速開始以本地支付方式進行收款。用戶體驗變得直觀之餘,結帳速度亦更快,令使用本地支付方式的顧客有 50% 增長。」

Slowood 業務發展總監
Frequently asked questions
What is a virtual Visa card?
A virtual payment card exists digitally on your phone or computer and can be used to pay for expenses. Just like a physical card, virtual cards are linked to an account and have a unique number, as well as an expiry date and security code.
How does a virtual Visa card work?
Virtual Visa cards work in much the same way as a physical Visa card. You also use your virtual card to send money to another account, or pay for subscriptions and other everyday expenses.
Are virtual Visa cards safe?
Virtual Visa cards are safer than physical cards because there’s no risk of your card being lost or stolen. Virtual cards do not include account information, just a long number, expiry date and security code. So, it is much more difficult for fraudsters to access your account.
The business account owner can create and delete virtual cards in minutes, and set spending limits on a card-by-card basis. So if a card is misused it can be cut off easily.
立即行動,拓展屬於您的全球新市場!只需短短幾分鐘即可開立帳戶,與十萬間已使用 Airwallex 的企業一起精簡全球的財務營運流程,獲取更大的企業利益。