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Transactional FX
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OverviewHow Transactional FX worksSupported regions and currenciesFunding and settlement models
Use Cases
Test and go live
Integration checklist
Legacy FX APIs

Integration checklist

After successfully configuring your account and creating conversions in the demo environment, you can go live in the production environment.

Test in the demo environment

Set up your demo Airwallex account using the following guidelines and get started with testing.

API keys

  • Log into the demo Airwallex web app and generate test API keys and obtain the unique client ID to make API calls. Note that if you have multiple accounts, you will need demo API keys for each account.

Account configuration

  • Contact your Airwallex Account Manager to configure your Airwallex demo account. FX capabilities that are available for configuration include:

Web app configuration


  • Use demo API endpoints for your integration:
  • Create conversions: See tutorial for creating conversions. See Error codes for troubleshooting steps.
  • Create a payout with conversion using Rates or Quotes.
  • Webhook tests: Ensure your subscribed webhook events are received and managed in your integration.


Go live in the production environment

Set up your production Airwallex account using the following guidelines and get started with transacting live.

API keys

  • Log into the production Airwallex web app to generate production API keys and obtain the unique client ID to make API calls. Note that if you have multiple accounts, you will need production API keys for each account.

Web app configuration


  • Update demo API endpoints to point to the production URLs:
  • Create conversions (Rates or Quotes) in the production environment. See Error codes for troubleshooting steps.
  • Create a payout with an underlying conversion (Rates) or using Quotes.
  • Webhook tests: Ensure your subscribed webhook events are received and managed in your integration.


  • If you are downloading reports programmatically, update to production endpoints
On this page
  • Test in the demo environment
  • Go live in the production environment