International ROAS Calculator

Assess the effectiveness of your ad budget in different regions with our free ROAS calculator. Identify what levers you can pull to grow your bottom line.

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Scroll down to find out what’s included

Download our simple, actionable International ROAS Calculator

Allocate your marketing budget across regions efficiently.

Identify where you’re overspending, so you can improve your margins.

Gain an upper hand over your competition by knowing what levers to pull to drive growth.

Do you know exactly how much you can afford to be spending on advertising?

It’s critical eCommerce founders and executives know their numbers inside out.

With this free resource, you’ll be able to:

Optimise your marketing ad spend

See how changes in your traffic cost and website conversion rate will impact the effectiveness of your advertising budget.

Improve your cart value

See how changes to your average order value will impact your return on ad spend.

Grow your bottom line

See how shipping, import taxes & duties and foreign currency fees will influence your gross margin.

Bonus tools:

Plus get access to three additional resources

Grow Without Borders Video Series

Get instant access to 3x exclusive, hour-long roundtable sessions on customer acquisition, international expansion and shipping.

Break-even Analysis

Create a predictable path to profit with our break-even analysis tool built in Google Sheets.

Software Subscription Manager

Regain control of your ever-growing tech stack with our simple-to-use tracker built in Google Sheets.

About Airwallex

Airwallex can help your eCommerce business expand globally

Improve your margins, streamline your finances, and reach your global potential with our financial solutions.

Global Accounts

Open accounts in 22 currencies in minutes. Accounts come with local bank account details, so you can collect, hold and send multiple currencies like a local.

FX and Transfers

Pay international suppliers quickly and cost-effectively. Transfer to 150+ countries and regions at market-leading rates.

Global payment acceptance

Build a frictionless global checkout instantly. Settle like-for-like in 10+ currencies and offer 160+ local payment methods.

Download the International ROAS Calculator