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SEPA Direct Debit - BETA
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Desktop / Mobile Website Browser

Use this step-by-step guide to build an integration to accept SEPA Direct Debit payments.

Step 1: Create a PaymentIntent

Create a PaymentIntent object with a request_id, amount, currency and a merchant_order_id from your backend server.

Example request
Example response

If you want to skip verification for all transactions, please contact your Airwallex account manager for instructions.

Step 2: [Optional] Get available payment methods

To be able to display SEPA Direct Debit as a payment option on your checkout page, you need to get available payment methods from Airwallex API.

When the PaymentIntent is created, send a GET request with parameters country_code, transaction_currency, transaction_mode to Get available Payment Method types API to query for a list of available payment methods based on the information provided.

The response will contain the required fields and necessary resources of each payment method for you to display them on your page. Render payment methods returned in items to show all available payment methods to the shopper at checkout page.

Example request
Example response
Note for available payment methods:

Alternatively, you can maintain available payment methods and corresponding resources locally on your server if you do not want to use this API endpoint. However, we highly recommend you get available payment methods dynamically from this API to avoid any trouble when payment method information or resources get updated.

Step 3. Collect payment method details and mandate acknowledgement

When a shopper submits SEPA Direct Debit on checkout form, you should use payment_intent.confirm to collect the mandate and complete the payment. For SEPA Direct Debit, we support two verification methods: TrueLayer and micro-deposit.

Option 1: TrueLayer verification

TrueLayer requires bank_name when confirming the PaymentIntent. You can call Get available bank names API with payment_method_type to get the supported banks. Supported country codes include GB, AT, BE, DE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IT, LT, NL, PL, PT, SE.

Example request


Set the verification method to truelayer using thepayment_method_options.sepa_direct_debit.verification_method field. You can also provide owner_name and owner_email in the request so that the shopper will see these fields pre-filled on the confirmation page.

Example request


Example response


Option 2: Micro-deposit verification

You can also verify SEPA Direct Debit with micro-deposits by providing the following payload.

Example request


When fraud scanning requires you to VERIFY the account, you will find the next actions in the response of Confirm a PaymentIntent API.

Example response


Airwallex will send a notification email to your shopper automatically to guide them on micro-deposits verification. If you want to customize the experience, please contact our Sales Support to turn off the Airwallex notification email and use the url returned in the response to build your own verification flow.

You can use instructions as below to guide your shoppers on checkout. Learn more about micro-deposit verification.

This account cannot be charged at the moment, please verify the account.

You will receive two micro-deposits to your account in 1-2 business days. You can click the verify button or verify through the email we have sent you.

Step 4: [Optional] Send Direct Debit confirmation email

Airwallex will send Direct Debit confirmation emails on your behalf to shoppers. You can customize the emails by providing your company logo and support email address to your account manager. If you choose to turn off Airwallex notification emails and send your own, you should use payment_consent.verified or payment_intent.pending to trigger advance notice email. For more information, see Mandate.

Step 5: Wait for notification from Airwallex

SEPA Direct Debit is a delayed notification payment method, which means that the transaction cannot be authorized instantly. A SEPA Direct Debit PaymentIntent remains in a pending state after submission to the SEPA network. Once the payment succeeds, the associated PaymentIntent status updates from PENDING to SUCCEEDED.

The following events are sent when the status is updated.

payment_intent.pendingThe customer’s payment is submitted to Airwallex successfully.Wait for the initiated payment to succeed or fail.
payment_intent.succeededThe customer’s payment has succeeded.Provision goods and services.
payment_attempt.authorization_failedThe customer’s payment is declined.Contact the customer and request for another payment method.
payment_consent.pending_verificationThe payment is undergoing the verification process.N/A. This status should last for a short time for TrueLayer verification, but may take 1-2 days for micro-deposit verification.
payment_consent.verifiedThe customer’s Direct Debit has been successfully set up.If you have disabled the mandate confirmation emails sent from Airwallex, you should notify your customers that the Direct Debit mandate has been successfully set up.
dispute.acceptedAny bank rejections or chargebacks are treated as disputes by Airwallex. The amount of the dispute is deducted from your pending settlement amount.You cannot defend against SEPA Direct Debit disputes. You must contact your customer to resolve the situation.

Succeeded PaymentIntents can be disputed due to various reasons. You should familiarize with the dispute risks of direct debits and contact your customers to resolve the situation. Learn more about disputes.

If the transaction fails after the request is sent to bank, you can get the failed reason from the webhook event payment_attempt.authorization_failed.


You can also query the status of a payment anytime using Retrieve a PaymentIntent API.

Step 6: Test SEPA Direct Debit in Demo environment

Use the following details to test SEPA Direct Debit in the demo environment.

1. Account verification

1.1 Account verification using Truelayer

Account holder nameTest scenario
John DoeFor successful Truelayer verification
Any other nameFor failed Truelayer verification

1.2 Account verification using micro-deposits

Account numberTest scenario
DE400000000000000Verification required
DE100000000000000No verification required
Verification amountsTest scenario
0.04, 0.04For failed verification
Any other amountFor successful verification

2. Payment

Payment amountsTest scenario
400For failed payment intent
Any other amountFor successful payment intent

3. Refund

Refund amountsTest scenario
4For failed refund
Any other amount less than payment amountFor successful partial/full refund
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